

Лексема галганъ
Часть речи лексемы S (существительное)
Этимология лексемы galanga (латынь)
Цитата публикации галганъ. galanga. 54.056
Латинское название в источнике galanga
Ботаническое название, лат.
  • Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. - Альпиния галанга / Калган галанга / Калган большой
  • Kaempferia galanga L.
  • Памятник Ridley
    Источник Ridley 1599
    Публикация A dictionarie of the vulgar Russe tongue: attributed to Mark. Ridley ed. from the late-sixteenth-century manuscripts and with an introd. by Gerald Stone.
    Страницы или столбцы/колонки в публикации 104
    Комментарий У Конновой нет. GALANGA. (Perhaps its Indian name) Galangal. The roots of this plant are used medicinally; two kinds are mentioned in the pharmacopeias; the greater galangal Kaemferi galanga of Linnaeus, and the smaller galangal, the root of the Maranta galanga, caulino simplicifollis lanceolatis rubsessilibus, of Linnaeus. The dried root is brought from China, in pieces from an inch to two in length, scarce half so thick, branched, full of knots and joints, with several circular rings of a reddish brown colour on the outside, and brownish within. It has an aromatic smell, not very grateful, and an unpleasant, bitterish, hot, biting taste. It was formerly much used as a warm stomachic bitter, and generally ordered in bitter infusions. It is now, however, seldom employed (Hooper 1817: 332-333). Maranta galanga L. synonym for Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. (C.ofL)